About Me

But why am I an artist then? A lot of people ask that,


Kaleb Pierotti

I got my BFA in Graphic & Interactive Design at Edinboro University. Add on film, photography, music, and learning new things and that sums up what I do.

You may be thinking to yourself, why does my branding name have Pi instead of Pierotti, and what is up with the Pi symbol logo? Well, it is because when I was growing up my dad, a mathematician, he would always put the Pi symbol on objects we owned instead of our last name. It also has to do with my great love for the sciences and issues in the world.

But why am I an artist then? A lot of people ask that, but I always say, why cant I love both? Especially when they can go hand in hand. With the power that design, film, photography, and music have, it is important to use it to inform others. But it can also be used to make someone laugh, cry, or just be happy.